My 3 year old has been hard to build muscle on as he just keeps growing up without bulking. We’ve tried everything with some gain but the results we’ve seen in just 3 weeks of this product are amazing. He’s building top line, rounding out in all the right places, his coat his is amazing, and he loves it! It’s like candy! Can’t wait to see where we are in 3 months!
Awesome product
I couldn't live without Leg Up and Breeze Up! I love these products and they are forever a staple in my feed program!
This is a a 1 year difference. Roan and Co. Leg Up is a staple in all our horses feed. This guy is 18 and you would never guess. He feels great and moves sound. He runs barrels/poles hard and jumps. He's a very fit guy. Roan and Co. has been a integral part of his feed plan.
Leg Up is a product I cannot live without! All my horses look amazing because of it and seem to recover so well from a hard days work!!
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